Isn’t a workplace free from drug abuse the first choice of all industries? Indeed yes. Employers want to hire staffs that are free from drug abuse as it leads to increased productivity and lower employee costs.
Illicit drug use significantly impairs an individual leading to addiction. Each year drug and alcohol abuse cost companies billions of dollars. Including lower productivity, increased absentees, accidents and increased workers compensation claims.
According to a report by National Drug-Free Workplace Alliance (NDWA) 74% of drug users are employed and cause up to 40% of industrial fatalities.
All companies have the option to test the employee for drug and alcohol use. By implementing different tests such as,
- Pre-Employment Testing
- Random Drug Testing
- Post Accident Testing
- Suspicion Testing
- Return to Duty Test and Follow-up Test
However, Federal Regulation and Safety Concerns have mandated drug testing for certain industries. Let’s find out which industries require mandatory drug testing?
The study shows that the use of drugs and alcohol in the construction industry is very common among the workers. Few of the reason for this can be a repetitive and routine task, feeling of stagnation and sometime also to numb the pain caused by hours of manual labour.
Drug use in the construction industry is dangerous since it completely disrupts the coordination and judgment of a worker. Thereby making him a potential threat for a variety of accidents and fatalities happening at the worksite and increasing the companies cost.
Hence implementation of a drug-testing program is mandatory for the construction industry. As it not only improves the safety and security of employees and save a fortune but also cultivate a reputation for safety. A practice that builds the company’s goodwill among its client.
Note: Construction Companies that have drug testing programs often receive a discount on their worker compensation cost.
Transport related accidents and injuries are the results of drug or alcohol abuse. The study shows that environment, family and road traffic injury are the common factor behind the use of drugs by the truck drivers.
Since safety is very crucial in transporting of both public and hazardous products. The Department of Transport (DOT) has made drug testing mandatory for employees in the safety-sensitive sector such as
- Aviation
- Trucking
- Mass transit
- Railroads
- And other vital transportation-related industries.

Athletes often turn to the drug to enhance their strength to meet the expectation of their teams, fans and coach. Also, many a time athletes suffer from stress and anxiety when criticized for their failure and thus resort to drugs. Steroids are most commonly used by athletes.
In 2016, the world anti-doping agency tested more than 1.81% of athletes with an overdose of the drug.
Thus to promote the wellness of athletes and prevent unfair advantages some sports organizations such as National Football League (NFL), National Basketball Association (NBA), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and International Olympic Committee (IOC) has made drug testing mandatory.
Whether at the collegiate level or in Olympics, athletes need to undergo drug testing for safety and wellness.
Drug addiction is a frustrating dilemma for the manufacturers, as it adds to the deficiency in the workforce that they face due to lack of skilled labours. CNA’s data reveals that 6.5% of manufacturing workers engage in illegal drug use and 9.5% take part in heavy alcohol abuse.
The workers in manufacturing unit have to depend on one another for completion of different tasks. If a worker under the influence of drugs does not follow the manufacturing guidelines, it could lead to accidents or affect the quality of the manufactured product.
This, in turn, damages the country’s reputation in the export market, resulting in loss of revenue. And also adds to the negative perception that foreign companies may have about the workforce being unskilled and unqualified.
Thus the manufacturing industry can see a lot of positive benefits by mandating the drug testing program.

Fighting fires and saving lives can have both physical and psychological toll resulting in insomnia, stress and nightmares causing mental disorder and depression. To overcome the above many resorts to drinking or getting addicted to illicit drugs.
Surveys by the Center for Fire Rescue and EMS Health Research (CFREHR) revealed that: Career firefighters reported drinking 10 days a month, or about half of their off-duty days.
Usage of drugs or alcohol impairs the body muscle coordination and reflexes and hampers with the person’s ability to make an on-spot judgment. Since the job of a firefighter involves critical decision making, the slightest error can prove fatal to one’s life and also to the lives of the one’s they are entitled to save.
Drug testing is thus mandatory in fire security and immediate help should be given to reduce mental health stigma that the Firefighter community faces in today’s time.
Technology is a booming industry and companies are learning to adapt quickly to new technologies to maintain its growth. The trained professionals of the IT Industry are under the constant pressure of management or trying to resolve clients complain regarding a tech-service issue.
This paired with cut-throat competition and strange working hours; many a time leaves employees feeling stressed. Overstress is a common cause that plays with the fact that almost 9.8% of IT workers are struggling with substance abuse.
The above statistic shows there is a growing concern within the IT industry for the usage of drugs and alcohol addiction. Since the employees in the tech industry are also responsible for handling sensitive data, implementation of scheduled drug test is a must. This will allow employees to work with a clear and sound mind in a drug and alcohol-free environment. This will make the business more efficient and effective.
Customer’s retention is always necessary for the success of any business. The hotel industry stands on a strong foundation of human resources for providing clean and safe accommodation for guests. Customer service and satisfaction is a critical factor that results in a customer’s recommendation and re-visit. A dissatisfied customer can always take your business next door to a rival hotel.
Hotel staff should always be in their top form as they interact directly with the paying client. Thus having a healthy and drug-free workplace can minimize the hotel’s legal risk while strengthening the overall profitability of the company.
Drug abuse is always harmful to any industry. It not only damages the safety and health of employees but also hampers the success of the business. Whether your industry is mandated for drug testing or not, it is always a good idea to introduce a mandatory drug testing program. This will save your company from financial losses as well as earn good-will among customers.
If you are planning to implement a drug-testing program in your company feel free to contact 24/7 Onsite, the reliable Texas drug testing service providers. We schedule all type of drug testing from pre-employment to random. We make drug testing simpler and help you safeguard your company’s success and your employees.